

posted by RamblingRose26 on

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Hello hello dear readers.
So I just got back from my boyfriend's house, we we're playing PURE on ps3. Yeah I know it's supposed to be a guy game, but...I FREAKIN' LOVE IT!!
Oh yeah ;)

I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of updates, but it's finals week and you know the crap, right? Luckily my last one will be on Monday, and after that I will have all the time in the world...I mean almost...because you know?
I have a life! How cool is that? ;)

The next post will be about a claire's makeup palette that my sister got me.
And then I have much more stuff to blog post about:
hair extensions, skin care routine, my summer shoes collection....and this is just a little sneak peek.

Love you all

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